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The video Rehearsal takes us into one of the three studios in the headquarters of the Cirque du Soleil based in Montréal (Québec, Canada). A team of five elite athletes from Eastern Europe (Russia and Ukrainian) are training for a flying act, adapting their skills to eventually perform in the Cirque du Soleil.

As in many of my works, I am interested in what happens behind the scenes. The costumes and spectacular scenic effects are stripped away so we can examine the efforts, work and emotional states of the athletes during their training.

I try to create a dialogue between the architectural structures of the studio and the body performing its precise movements. The video uses closed-ups of beams and ceilings, sometimes turned upside down to evoke the disorientation that the athletes may feel, almost as if they were in a space ship.

Specifications : 
Triptych version : permanent installation on three plasma screens (55 inches) attached to the wall, each video is 6 min. Cirque du Soleil Headquarter in Montreal (Québec, Canada). One channel projection version: 10 min.
Credits : 
Photography: Miguel Henriques, Myriam Yates; Rig: Mike Leblanc, Miguel Henriques; Editing: Myriam Yates.
Acknowlegements : 
Sophie Joyal and Sylvie François; Action culturelle, Cirque du Soleil; Stéphane Simard; Service multimedia, Julie Beauséjour; Régie de la formation des artistes, Cirque du Soleil, the athletes : Vitalii Alekseev, Andrey Kartashov, Vitaliy Kostyuchenko, Dmitrii Levkovich, Nikolai Nikitin, Dmitrii Parfenov.
Funding : 
Cirque du Soleil

Rencontres internationales Cinéma et art contemporain (autre)
February 2014
La Gaîté Lyrique, Paris, France
Maison de la Culture Plateau Mt-Royal (solo)
January 30 to March 6, 2017
Sporobole art centre (solo)
March 29 to April 22, 2017
Rehearsal, Rehearsal triptych excerpt
Rehearsal, Rehearsal single channel excerpt
Rehearsal, Head Quarter Cirque du Soleil, Montreal.
Rehearsal, Head Quarter Cirque du Soleil, Montreal.
Rehearsal, Head Quarter Cirque du Soleil, Montreal.
Rehearsal, Head Quarter Cirque du Soleil, Montreal.
Rehearsal, Head Quarter Cirque du Soleil, Montreal.
Rehearsal, Head Quarter Cirque du Soleil, Montreal.
Rehearsal, Installation view at Sporobole. Photo : Tanya St-Pierre
Rehearsal, Installation view at Sporobole. Photo : Tanya St-Pierre
Rehearsal, Installation view at Sporobole. Photo : Tanya St-Pierre
Rehearsal, Installation view at Sporobole. Photo : Tanya St-Pierre
Rehearsal, Installation view at Sporobole. Photo : Tanya St-Pierre
Rehearsal, Installation view at Sporobole 1/3. Photo : Tanya St-Pierre
Rehearsal, video still
Rehearsal, video still
Rehearsal, video still
Rehearsal, video still
Rehearsal, video still
Rehearsal, video still
Rehearsal, video still
Rehearsal, video still
Rehearsal, video still
Rehearsal, video still
Rehearsal, video still

Specifications : 
Triptych version : permanent installation on three plasma screens (55 inches) attached to the wall, each video is 6 min. Cirque du Soleil Headquarter in Montreal (Québec, Canada). One channel projection version: 10 min.
Credits : 
Photography: Miguel Henriques, Myriam Yates; Rig: Mike Leblanc, Miguel Henriques; Editing: Myriam Yates.
Acknowledgements : 
Sophie Joyal and Sylvie François; Action culturelle, Cirque du Soleil; Stéphane Simard; Service multimedia, Julie Beauséjour; Régie de la formation des artistes, Cirque du Soleil, the athletes : Vitalii Alekseev, Andrey Kartashov, Vitaliy Kostyuchenko, Dmitrii Levkovich, Nikolai Nikitin, Dmitrii Parfenov.
Funding : 
Cirque du Soleil

Rencontres internationales Cinéma et art contemporain (autre)
February 2014
La Gaîté Lyrique, Paris, France
Maison de la Culture Plateau Mt-Royal (solo)
January 30 to March 6, 2017
Sporobole art centre (solo)
March 29 to April 22, 2017